309 Cherokee Denver, CO 80223

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Office Exterior

This is a small, storefront office building. It was built around 1900 in a neighborhood that was first developed in the 1890's with Queen Anne style houses. It is located just South of downtown Denver, in what is called the Baker neighborhood. The building has been a grocery store most of its life, and was a gospel hall in the 1920's. During the Great Depression it was divided into two stores: a grocery and millinery with two separate addresses. When I bought the building it was owned by a plumbing and heating contractor, and the left side of the building had a garage door into a garage and shop. I remodeled that portion to be my own office, which measures 12'x24'.   The front portion beyond the side walk has decorative squares of cement to the street designed to minimize the upkeep. The exterior doors are steel, as are the window frames. The windows are reinforced glass to minimize breakage. We have never been burglarized. The roof is rubber with no leakage since that was installed, the sewer is lined with Kevlar, and the swamp cooler is new this year - with a thermostat.
Parking on the street in front of the office is readily available for tenants and their clients.
Directions:  3 blocks West of Broadway & 3 blocks South of 6th Avenue.

These photos, being taken in January, unfortunately don't show the two large trees leafed out and the planters full of marigolds every spring and summer.

Here is a photo of the office in the summer time.

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About Me

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I am a psychotherapist (now retired) and photographer. When in college I wanted to be a cultural anthropologist, but I couldn't figure out how to do fieldwork in some remote part of the world with a wife and small daughter. So I changed my major to Sociology. I eventually became a clinical social worker. I burnt out on that field in my mid-thirties, and went to art school in commercial photography. However, in the end the best balance proved to be as a private practice psychotherapist, with photography as an avocation. This eventually synthesized with my original interest in indigenous cultures around the world (I've been to 47 countries) photographing people for a project called "One Planet -- One People". My other photographic interest is wildlife, and I have been on a dozen African safaris, as well as Yellowstone in every season, and Alaska to photograph brown bears. My reasons are similar to photographing indigenous people: the ecosystem is collapsing and much of the wildlife I witness now may soon be gone. I have now come full circle, building a photo studio on Whidbey Island offering professional portraiture, and working on a photo book project.